torsdag 28. juni 2007
Blueberry Waffle Socks
Her er mitt første forsøk på denne oppskrifta og strikker nå et nytt par. Liker oppskrifta veldig godt.
My first pair of socks for this pattern and is now knitting another pair. Like this pattern very much.
Lacy Mock Cable Cloth
Secret knitting pals - facebook
I går kom min første pakke i Secret knitting pals, en facebook gruppe. Pakken kom fra Canada. Sokkegarn, bomullsgarn, garn nåler, mønster på sokker og kluter, gummistempel, Canada magnet og en krem med melon duft. En spennende pakke å åpne.
Yesterday came my first swap in a facebook group called Secret knitting pals. It came from Canada. Sock yarn, cotton yarn, yarn needles, patterns for socks and cloths, rubberstamp, Canada magnet and melon body cream. It was a thrill to open the packet.
Hemmelig venn - juni hobbyboden
tirsdag 12. juni 2007
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
Why Mothers Cry
Why Mothers Cry .... "Why are you crying?" he asked his mom. "Because I'm a mother," she told him."I don't understand," he said.His mom just hugged him and said, "You never will!"Later the little boy asked his father why Motherseemed to cry for no reason."All mothers cry for no reason," was all his dad couldsay.The little boy grew up and became a man, stillwondering why mothers cry. So he finally put in a call to God andwhen God got on the phone the man said, "God, why do motherscry so easily." God said, "You see son, when I made mothersthey had to be special. I made their shoulders strong enough tocarry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave them aninner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times come from their children."I gave them a hardiness that allows them to keepgoing when everyone else gives up, and to take care of theirfamilies through sickness and fatigue without complaining."I gave them the sensitivity to love their childrenunder all circumstances, even when their child has hurtthem very badly. This same sensitivity helps them to make achild's boo-boo feel better and helps them share a teenager'sanxieties and fears."I gave them a tear to shed. It's theirs exclusively touse whenever it's needed. It's their only weakness. It's a tear for mankind."
mandag 11. juni 2007
Knittin` Sheep Schwap
Yarn Junkies 3 - Blue
Stash socks - Brights
Denne flotte pakken kom som en stor overraskelse fra Guinifer i USA. Hadde forventet et nøste garn, men pakken inneholdt alt dette. Det var karameller i den lilla posen, men de forsvant fort.
This surprise gift came from Guinifer in USA. I expected a skein of yarn, but she had enclosed lots of extra goodies. The purple bag enclosed caramels, but they disappeared before the photo was taken.
Garnkjøp i Japan
Nordisk hemmelig venn # 3
Nordisk hemmelig venn # 2
Pakke 2 kom fra Grete R i Norge. Første pakken hun sendte kom dessverre bort, men Grete var så snill å sende meg en ny. Disse skal også bli sokker av. Skal også prøve meg på garnfarging med KoolAid.
Packet #2 came from Norway. Grete was kind to resend as first packet got lost in the mail. Will knit socks from the Regia yarn and will try to dye my own yarn.
Nordisk hemmelig venn # 1
søndag 10. juni 2007
Hemmelig venn Hobbyboden april
Hemmelig venn Hobbyboden mars
Hemmelig venn Hobbyboden januar
Jaywalkers og Järbo sokker
Mine to første Jaywalkers. De lyse er mine og de blå har vår eldste datter fått.
De rosa og hvite er etter en Järbo oppskrift og min guddatter har fått de.
My two first Jaywalkers. The light colored socks are for me, the blue ones have our oldest daughter got. The pink and white ones are from a Swedish recipe. My Goddaughter has got them.
Ny i bloggerverden/New in the world of blogs
Endelig har også jeg fått meg blogg og kan vise hva jeg produserer av hobbyer. Det blir mest strikking, men prøver også å lage smykker og kort. Nå kan jeg også delta på på de av swappene man finner på nett hvor man må ha blogg for å delta.
Finally I`ve got my own blog and can show what crafts I make. I mostly knit, but also make beads and cards. Now I also can join the online swaps where blogs are necessary.
Finally I`ve got my own blog and can show what crafts I make. I mostly knit, but also make beads and cards. Now I also can join the online swaps where blogs are necessary.
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