tirsdag 18. september 2007

Gårsdagens produksjon/yesterdays knitting

To kluter ble strikket i går. Den blåe er av garnet jeg fikk av min hemmeligevenn i facebook. Flott bommullsgarn var det. HAr nok til en til klut.Two cloths knitted yesterday. Blue one is made from the cotton yarn I got from my facebook secret pal. Great yarn to knit from. Still enough for one more cloth.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

What kind of cotton is it?
-your secret dishcloth pal

Else sa...

The blue yarn is called Bernat Handicrafter Cotton., ultra soft. The white one is Bambino cotton (Norwegian).

NH Knitting Mama sa...

Lucky you to have time to knit these up so quickly!

I enjoy your blog so much - thanks for commenting on mine so I could find you!